Manage Projects

Testsigma offers the ability to create multiple projects and applications, allowing for logical separation between them. Each Testsigma Project comprises different types of applications, similar to a real-life Project.

Testsigma provides four sample projects with various test cases for Web, Mobile web, Android, and iOS application types within the Testsigma account. These sample projects can be used and modified to initiate test automation quickly.

This document will walk you through creating, editing, switching, and deleting projects in Testsigma.

Creating a Project

  1. Navigate to Create New and click on Project from the dropdown menu. Projects
  2. Enter the Project Name and Description (Optional). Project Name & Description

Custom fields you create for your projects under Settings > Custom Fields > Projects will appear here.

  1. If your project involves multiple applications, check Allow adding multiple applications in this project checbox. To add an application, click Add Application, select the Application Type from the drop-down menu, and give it a Name. By default, the project is set up for a single application. New project
  2. Also, if you want multiple versions for each application, check Allow multiple versions for applications checbox. Multiple Versions
  3. Click on Create. Create

Here is a quick GIF demonstrating how to create a Project. Create Project

Editing a Project

  1. Navigate to Project > Project Settings. Project Settings
  2. This will open the Edit Project prompt. Edit Project
  3. You can update Project Details, Multiple Applications and Versions from here. Also, you can add Project Members, Test Case Types, and Requirement Types on the same prompt. Update Details
  4. Click on Update to save the changes. Update

Adding, Editing, and Deleting Applications & Versions can be done under Project Settings > Applications.

Here is a quick GIF demonstrating how to edit a Project. Edit Project

Switching Projects

  1. Click on the current Project from Dashboard. Project
  2. Select Project, Application, and Version from respective dropdowns and click on Go to project. Switch Dropdowns
  3. You’ll be redirected to the dashboard of the selected project.

Here is a quick GIF demonstrating how to switch projects. Switch Projects

Deleting a Project

  1. Navigate to Project > Project Settings. Project Settings
  2. Click on Delete. Delete
  3. On the Delete project prompt, enter DELETE and click on Delete. DELETE

Deleting a Project will delete:

  • All Applications & Application Versions within this Project.
  • All Test cases, Elements, Test data profiles, Custom functions, Uploads, Requirements, Test suites, Test plans, Run results and Environments associated with this project.

Here is a quick GIF demonstrating how to delete a project. Delete