Manage Applications

The Applications tab within the Project settings > Edit Project menu provides details about all the Applications that are available in the current project.


If your project contains only a single application, the Applications tab will be hidden. To enable multiple applications, edit your project details. For more information, refer to project settings.

Once the Applications tab is enabled, you will be able to see all the applications created under the specific project.

Add Application

  1. Navigate to Project Settings > Edit Project > Applications. Applications
  2. Click on Add Application. Add Application
  3. On New application prompt, enter Application name, Description, Version name, and select Application type. Prompt
  4. Click on Create. Create

Edit Application

  1. Navigate to Project Settings > Edit Project > Applications, and select application you want to edit from the dropdown.
    Edit Application
  2. Make the required changes and click on the Update to save the changes. Edit Application

Delete Application

  1. Navigate to Project Settings > Edit Project > Applications, select application you want to edit from the dropdown. Applications
  2. Click on Delete Application. Delete App
  3. Clicking on the Delete button for the application shows a warning Delete project prompt. Enter DELETE, and click Delete to confirm the deletion. Delete Prompt

Deleting an Application leads to loss of all data within the application including:

  • All application versions within the application.
  • All the test cases, test data, uploads within all those Application versions.