Controls and Actions

The test recorder in Testsigma lets you generate test steps automatically in plain English by recording your actions in the application UI. This article discusses the control options and actions in Testsigma's Test Recorder for Android and iOS applications.


Controls and Actions Available in Test Recorder

The recording screen will have two sections:

  • Device Controlling Section DCS
  • Test Steps Section Test Step Section

Let’s review all the options available in the Device Controlling Section.

  1. Mirroring mode: Mirror mode will allow you to use the app via Testsigma to mirror real live physical device use. Mirroring Mode
  2. Select Element: You can click on elements and get more information about them. Select Elements

For example, if we click on Login, the information will be displayed under the section Selected element attributes. If you click on Tap, the step recorder will create the step as Tap on Login. Tap

  1. Swipe By Coordinates: The swiping action will be recorded with this option. Swipe by Coordinates
  2. Tap By Coordinates: It lets you click on an element on the screen and record the coordinates of the click. Tap by Coordinates
  3. Search Element: This option can be used to search for an element in the app source. Select Elements
  4. Go back: This button records the go back action from the current screen. Go Back
  5. Home: This button displays the home screen of the device. Home
  6. Hide Keyboard: This button lets you hide the keyboard in the application. Hide Keyboard
  7. Change to landscape mode: This button lets you switch between landscape and portrait mode. Change to Landscape Mode

The Test Steps Section will display the actions performed on the device.


Controls and Actions are same for both Android and iOS applications.