Plain Text

Raw or Plain Text is the simplest text data type you can use in your test case. Use the NLP that has test data in it.

For example, ‘Enter test data in element field’ is a NLP. Here, you can erase the test data placeholder and choose Plain Text from the dropdown to type anything you want as the input to your test.

When to Use Plain Text in a Test Case?

Plain Text or Raw data is used when you want to hardcode an input in your test. In cases where the input data is unique and doesn’t have to be a part of a test data profile or any other test data types, we use plain text data.

For Example: Here we are using the NLP, Wait for test data seconds.

Plain Text Example

We’ll select Plain Text from the dropdown and enter a number to create a test step.

How to Use Plain Text in a Test Case?

  1. Navigate to Create Tests > Test Cases and click on Create Test Case. Test Cases
  2. Create a test step with NLP that has test data in it and choose Plain Text from the dropdown. Plain Text
  3. Here, erase test data and enter a number to create the test step. Erase Test Data

You can replace plain text with anything depending on the test case scenario.

Here’s a quick GIF demonstrating how to use Plain Text in a test case. Plain Text