Test Data - Parameter

Parameters in Testsigma are variables used to customize test cases for different scenarios. They enhance flexibility by applying the same test logic for varied inputs. For example, while testing a login page, you can use parameters to provide different usernames and passwords.


How to Use Parameters in a Test Case?

  1. Create a Test Data Profile. See, create test data profile. Alternatively, you can also import a Test Data Profile.
  2. Create a Test Case and associate Test Data Profile from Test Case Settings. See create test case. Test Case Settings
  3. In your test steps, use *‘Enter test data in the element field’* NLP. NLP
  4. Click on test data and select Parameter from the drop-down. Dropdown
  5. On Parameter overlay, choose the parameter you want to use in your test case.

You can also associate test data profile with pre-existing test case from Test Case Settings.